Cleansing Toxin Removal Foot Patch 14’s




Cleansing Toxin Removal Foot Patch

Cleansing Toxin Removal Foot Patch. Bodytox Foot Patches contain a high-quality quality of natural ingredients, to include tourmaline (an energy crystal compound), and wood vinegar as one of their main ingredients which help to simulate the actions of Reflexology.

Wood Vinegar

  • Tourmaline – Tourmaline exerts a cleansing and liberating energy upon our entire nervous system with a clearing and stabilizing effect. Tourmaline is best know for its ability to emit Far Infrared heat.
  • Chitosan – Chitosan is produce from the shells of crustaceans. Chitosan products have been use now for over 30 years by water companies to help detoxify water by trapping toxins, grease, heavy metals, and oils.
  • Mugwort Extract – Mugwort Extract is widely use to help soothe skin.