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Carley’s Organic Raw Walnut Butter 170g

Original price was: £3.75.Current price is: £3.37.



Carley’s Organic Raw Walnut Butter

Carley’s Organic Raw Walnut Butter, Walnut butter has the most omega-3 unsaturated fats. The refreshing fat proportion helps lower LDL cholesterol, increment HDL cholesterol, and lessen irritation. The hitch: Walnut spread is lower in protein and fiber than other nut butter.

100% raw Organic Raw Walnut Butter, nothing add, nothing taken away.

We gradually cool mill whole sweet Polish or Moldovan Walnuts to a velvety smooth luxurious nut butter. It doesn’t get much simpler than this.

Incredibly nutritious and delicious and great for baking too. Try some add to a smoothie for a delicious indulgent nut milk treat. Great in a coffee and walnut cake.

We choose the Moldovan or Polish nuts for their mellow creamy flavour with that distinctive bittersweet edge.

Like all nuts, Carley’s Organic Raw Walnut Butter contain good fats. Such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). But they are also a good source of the essential fatty acid omega-3. They also contain iron, selenium, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and some B vitamins.

Our nut and seed butters are great for coeliacs. Those who follow a gluten free diet, as we know from making them. Some gluten free recipes can be dryer than gluten containing versions. Add a dollop of a Carley’s nut or seed butter and moist cakes and bakes reign supreme again!

We don’t add salt to any of our nut or seed butters easier to add it than to take it away. If you prefer a touch of salt simply sprinkle a bit into your jar then stir it through. There is one exception. We add a tiny touch of natural sea salt to our new Smokey Chilli Peanut Butter.

  • Vegan
  • No palm fat
  • Gluten Free
  • No added salt
  • No added sugar
  • Nothing artificial
  • No emulsifiers.
  • No GM
  • 100% Certified organic.

Nutritional Info: valeurs nutritive:

Carley’s Organic Raw Walnut Butter contains

Nährwerte: voedingswaarden: /100g

Energy: Energie:           706kcal 2954kJ

Fats: lipids: vet: Fett: fedt:               65g

saturates: acides gras saturés: gesät’

Fette: verzadigd vet: mættet fedt:   6g

Carbohydrates: Glucides: Koolhydr’:

karbohydrater:  Kohlenhydrate:    14g

sugars: sucres: Zuckar:  suikers:     2.6g

Fibre: fibres aliment:  Ballaststoffe: 7g

Protein: Protéines: Eiwit: Eiweiss:  15g

Salt: Zout: Salz: Sel: Sal:                   .005g